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Creating the correct atmosphere for your cafe is a must as you want it to reflect your brand and the overall vibe you are going for.
This is crucial to a relaxing and successful customer experience and one in which they feel comfortable and would want to return as a result of their initial experience.
It is even as important as the food and drinks that you serve, so getting your cafe furniture right is a crucial thing that you must nail. From cafe chairs to restaurant tables, table tops and everything in between - we have everything you need to know about cafe furniture and for you to gather some inspiration of your own to furnish your own cafe.
With over 15 years of experience in providing hospitality settings with quality furniture, including an array of cafes and coffee shops across the country that we are very proud to have been a part of.
We have everything you need to know about cafe furniture and for you to gather some inspiration of your own to furnish your own cafe.
Intro To Cafes
Once a nation of tea drinkers, you might be surprised to find out that coffee is now rated as Britain’s favourite beverage, overtaking our once-loved cup of tea. We now drink around two and a half cups of coffee for every cup of tea here in the UK.
It is no wonder that coffee shops and cafes are increasingly popular in today's world. Along with the fact that working from home is the ‘new normal’ for many of us, with hybrid working seeming to be the way forward, a lot of people do like to step out of their home or indeed the office for that much-needed change of scenery and opt for working in solo in a cafe with a coffee by their side.
Commercial Cafes Vs Independent Cafes
Although up against the big commercial high street coffee shop chains, the most obvious ones being; Starbucks, Costa Coffee and Cafe Nero. The number of independent coffee shops has risen and is a thriving independent sector and good reason for it too, as the independent coffee shop sector has been thriving.
The number of independent coffee shops has risen and is a thriving independent sector and good reason for it too, as the independent coffee shop sector has been thriving.
Large high street cafe chains have been said to be giving consumers ‘brand fatigue’, experiencing too much of the same thing.
A lot of consumers now choose to go for the independent cafes for a fresh and individual experience and not to mention it also supports their local community after hospitality has suffered so greatly during the pandemic.
Why Cafe Furniture Is Important
Cafe furniture is important to your cafe, more so than you might think. It is not as simple as having functional tables and chairs, it is a lot more than you might think.
Your choice of furniture will reflect and have a huge impact on the whole image of your cafe and show consumers what kind of coffee shop you are running.
The right decision will get your customers coming back so it is worth researching about and making the right decision as it should be the biggest investment when it comes to your cafe. It can be used to your advantage to help you stand out from all the heavy competition.
The Different Types Of Coffee Shops
If you are having a refurb or perhaps starting from scratch, cafes usually fall into certain types of themes that we will explain and hopefully give you some ideas and get those creative juices flowing.
Trendy coffee shops are definitely a hit with the younger generation and hipsters. The younger generation will always want somewhere cool and trendy to hang out in, with cool aesthetics and modern furniture so think of furniture that fits the brief of this aesthetic. Decorative pieces that are totally ‘Instagrammable’ are a must.
A cool and quirky environment would have chalkboard menus, raw wood surfaces, fair trade and organic coffee options with plenty of vegan and plant-based milk and food options. Suspended filament bulbs help to give that dark, cool and cosy vibe to a space.
If you are not looking to attract a younger demographic then opt for more of a traditional style of furniture in this case, a more mature demographic would appreciate a standard table and chair for dining on instead of stools or benches for seating.
An individual cafe should be as the name suggests, individual and also unique. So if this is the style you wish to go for, make sure you stand out from the crowd and go for furniture and decor that is not repeated elsewhere.
The Right Furnishing For The Area
The choice of what style of furniture or cafe to go for might seem overwhelming, so it might be useful to take into consideration the area in which your cafe is located. This can be a good indicator of the theme or style to go for and can narrow down your options.
Suppose you are near a university or business area, for example. In that case, you might want to create a space with furniture where workers or students can sit for long amounts of time comfortably, so they don’t have to be sitting behind their desks constantly, a different and relaxed environment is available for them.
Then for a more rural setting people would often expect and appreciate a more rustic or vintage aesthetic rather than super urban city modern.
Optimise any available outdoor space too, like a beer garden would in a bar. When the weather is nice this is sure to be a fantastic money maker if you have available seating outside.
Different Types Of Café Furniture
Your cafe furniture will depend on the factors you have decided as discussed above. The furniture you have in your cafe will largely depend on what you intend on serving the most, whether it is more hot drinks, with the odd piece of cake or whether you are more food-focused too along with the drinks you serve.
It is never a pleasant experience to eat food from a table too small or too low down, a table low to the ground will be fit for drinks only.
It is always good and inviting to have a range of furniture types in your cafe, such as a range of different chairs and tables of different comfort levels, sizes and heights.
A cafe will have different kinds of customers - the ones that nip in for a takeaway, the ones that have a bit more time and want to sit down for a short while and those that are going to be there for a good while, so would prefer to sit somewhere particularly comfy.
In this instance, a low coffee table and perhaps a sofa would be appropriate for a chilled-out vibe and look.